Thursday, May 27, 2010

Loving Other Human Beings' Faces

Okay, so I was looking through some of my old poetry on my hard drive with files from my first laptop. In the fall of '08 I took a Poetry Workshop class. One of the assignments was to "write a poem inspired by a line of another poem." Well, this one is inspired by a line from one of Franz Wright's poems, called "Walking to Martha's Vineyard." I never turned it in. Thought it was incomplete, couldn't figure out how to finish it back then. So tonight, I changed the comma at the end to a period. And that's that. It's not a beautiful poem, it's more sociopolitical than anything, so here it is:

Loving Other Human Beings’ Faces

“Hi, can I take your order?”
Radio static.
A ‘93 rusted Volvo
On a black and white screen.
A grumble.
Poorly hashed browns
In a greased white bag
From my lazy hands
To four worried fingers,
Stubby balloons
Of blood and bone,
To Gary.

His doctor said
No more fast food
To a wall
Of stubborn flesh.


I may be posting new poetry, or older poetry on this blog at later times. There's a lot of ones from my hard drive that I'd forgotten about.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Haphazard Thoughts While Watching Game 6

Okay, so we're about to go into the fourth quarter of the Game 6 of the Eastern Conference semi-finals, and LeBron has had another un-Lebron-like performance tonight. He's been fumbling balls, missing shots, not making plays. I'm very perplexed. Honestly, I'm really worried about this. I don't know whether he's throwing the game, tired, lost in life, or something else.

And the 4th quarter has started, and we're off to a bad start. I have to keep my hopes alive because at this point, they're still down by 11 points. Although they turned it over already.

So frustrating. I may unhook myself from the pleasures of NBA basketball and the triviality of professional sports in general. Emotional investment in Cleveland sports has proven to be quite the bitch.

Now, LeBron can still explode and take this game over with 10:26 left. It's just a matter of him wanting it. And why wouldn't he want it, we're the ones paying him (essentially). I say that as he banks a 3. Thank God. And another one.


This is the clutch we could be waiting for. But man, this makes it dramatic. Has he just been toying with us for the past few games to make this series more interesting? Commercial break/timeout for the loss. I need me more GOOD Cavs basketball.

LeBron just looks sad every time I see him on the sidelines. He looks distracted, different. Like he doesn't want to be on the court. Like he belongs somewhere else. It makes me wonder if there's something happening in his personal life that he hasn't talked about?

I never liked Shrek. I will not see that movie coming out on the 21st.

Here we go again. 9:34 left.

Listening to another Doc Rivers huddle. Why is ESPN such a Boston-centric market? They always talk to Boston people, listen to their coach. Probably because of the bigger market. But I'd like to think that general NBA fans like our team more.

Solid defense by the Cavs at the moment. LeBron's on the aggressive; this is good. Pass to Varejao?? Not during this game. Not during an elimination game.

That dribble off of LeBron's foot is precisely what I'm speaking of. He's clearly distracted by something. He's too athletic and too in-tune with the "essence" of the basketball he always carries to make plays like that when there isn't something else fishing in his head. And now look, that's led to five quick points. It's like, this nulls his two quick threes. Gives him only a +1 for that stretch. It's on him. It needs to be on him.

He wasn't toying with us. He simply isn't playing at his calibur. Maybe it's concerning nothing... but I don't think it is.

I know basketball is just a game. These guys are being paid millions of dollars to play a children's game, and we're all living vicariously through their successes and failures.

Great. Now ESPN is reminding us all of our heartbreaks. Granted, I wasn't around or cognizant during most of these, but I definitely respect Cleveland's "storied" losing history.

Now Rasheed Wallace is making ridiculous saves. When did he give another shit about playing hard? LeBron tries another three but lighting hasn't struck there again. Rasheed shoots a three and makes it, of course.

This is all just happening so fast, Boston's now 88-74 lead. Doesn't give me time to process this impending heartbreak, glooming over this city and the inner NBA fans of other teams who strive to actually witness greatness peaking. But Boston is tearing us apart, and probably causing some die-hard Cavs fans on the brink of suicide.

I hate to say it. I really do. I think, officially, it's over. There's 5:50 left. A 14-point deficit. It's a horrible feeling. I'm trying to stay at an even keel, trying to stay hopeful.

But the Clevelander inside me is screaming "hell, bloody, bloody hell!"

We can come back with defense. One or two great stops won't do it, though. Every possession by Boston needs to be a great stop. But this isn't happening.

And why isn't LeBron getting the ball EVERY TIME? He's not playing great, but he's the MVP. Varejao is still getting the touches. Why is he at the foul line right now?

3:50 left.

LeBron needs aggression, aggression, aggression.

23 turnovers? Unacceptable. If we end at 23 turnovers for the game, that could be appropriate because #23 might become the ultimate "turnover" for our city.

I think even the Nets and the Timberwolves could have beaten us in this seven game series.

Finally. 3:27. LeBron is driving again. Too little, too late, in my opinion.

"New York Knicks, New York Knicks." These Celtics fans... I don't know whether they think that hurts LeBron or not?

Anthony Parker hits a 3! But we're still down by 8. And I cringed with LeBron's pass.

Alright LeBron. How's that a foul on Rondo when LeBron doesn't get similar foul treatment? Regardless, we're still "only" down by 9 -- 7 after that dunk.

Where was this ten minutes ago? And these second-chance Celtics rebounds -- those can't happen.

ANother timeout tv break at 1:37. Things look pretty bleak, I have to admit. I still think we're defeated, but one can't fault the power of denial.

The music in this Acura ZDX is taking me away from the game. Diggin' it. Whatever, it's a brief reprieve because this obnoxious guitar-wailing ESPN advertising music just cued.

Moments of truth.

Boston isn't that good. Rondo is overrated. But Garnett is excellent.

..................... another LeBron turnover.

We are done. No more effort. They've given up and this is horrible. All I've got to say is, this is probably the most pathetic showing of sportsmanship and effort that I have ever seen on any contending sports team.

Wow. I have no words to say to describe this. Disgusting would be one of the words I would say.

I gotta turn this tv off. I am in disbelief. This celebratory music is disheartening. And LeBron doesn't even look like he cares. He's kind of the arrogant, spoiled douchebag right now.

Actually, no. I got somethin' else. If LeBron indeed goes to Chicago... it would make sense. Since earlier in the season... he mentioned that next year he would change his number from 23 to number 6. Could this potentially be because he's been eyeing Chicago, and he's given us hints that he would want to go there since the number 23 can't be played in Chicago?

Food for thought. Spoiled, stinkin', rotting food for thought. I still can't believe we lost this series. Whatever.
