Thursday, April 29, 2010


The first draft of my screenplay is done and I couldn't be more relieved about it. Of course, the writing process is one that doesn't end with a first draft, so I look forward to spending some time in the summer to revise it. . .

In the past few days, I've come to the realization that Cleveland weather is akin to having a fever. It's too hot one minute, too cold the next (or vice-versa). Either way, it's going to end up vomiting on you. Rain vomit. Or snow. Or tornadoes. It's an analogy that needs tweaked; work with me, here. At least today is nice. I'm going to take some photos.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleepless Nights

In the midst of what seems like my tenth all-nighter of the semester. I don't quite understand the dizzying addiction of procrastination, or specifically my need for it. The goal is to be around page ninety on my screenplay by 11:15 AM, which will happen. I sort of feel that I'm losing my mind alongside the protagonist in my story as I write it. I did somehow inexplicably break my glasses a few hours ago during the writing process, so there has been blood.

I know when I finish here, I'm going to want to sleep the rest of the semester away. Maybe I'll do that.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Senior Year Winding to a Close . . .

. . . But not for me. I'll be back again in the fall for another spin since I'm now a Film Studies / Creative Writing double major. And a minor in literature.

It's just weird knowing that most of the people I came into college with will all be leaving, finding new paths in their lives. It's fascinating to look back to see how much has changed.

I've been looking more towards my future than I traditionally have in the past. I don't plan on going to grad school immediately, but I've been doing my research. We'll go with the flow. That mindset has not changed.

About halfway done with my screenplay for my class. It's intense and dark. When I'm done, I'll look around and see what I can do with revisions and look around at my options. It would be an exciting story to produce.

I'll try to keep this blog updated more regularly. It's been a long time since the days of constant writing in my Xanga and myspace (which are quite entertaining to read these days).